Generate a signature verification certificate

When the sign is over, create a PDF document with the autenticity of the signature, similar to what appears in the history but it should contain:

  • The unique ID
  • The date it’s been sent
  • The date the signer sign, with wich email and IP, for every signer.
  • The date that the process was over.

This is quite important for legally blinded signs, for example, we work in the real estate industry and our digital signs are agreements on big quantyties of money, so this is a must.

Yours is the only sign app wich allows using mirrow columns, and generate documents in word so they can be modified, so it’s a pity this is only feauture that’s lacking and the one that’s holding us back to use your app because we truthly love it and it’s the most flexible one!

Thank you very much, Blanca!
I promise you it’s on our product roadmap :slight_smile:

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Any idea when it might be available? If it is within our deadlines, it may determine our decision. Thank you!