Numbers inserted into generated documents are currently inserted in the American format with commas as the thousands separator, such as 23,456. DocuGen should add localization options such as 23’456 and 23 456.
Yea, hate that I have to change the dots to comma to comply to european standards. So should be able to pick to use Commas instead of dots and the thousands separator to a couple of different options.
Hi Bogen,
Thank you for your feedback and for voting for this feature request. Rest assured that the team is looking into this.
converting numeric field into US currency field is essential!
I would suggest that you can have a settings option that you can change to get european, australian ect. Just have standard to be US and then if you want to change it just have it as a setting.
Just to respect people of other countries. And to make document that are compliant to legal format in these countries. Unless that they will be rejected !!!
I wouldn’t mind adding the formula that it’s suggested in the formating article, but I have too many economic fields and some of them are in many cases blank, so it would be extremly helpfull for me to have a solution given inside the actual app!
Hi Bianca,
thank you for your comment and for your vote.
I’m one of the DocuGen CSMs and while we wait for this feature, I’d love to have a look at your current setup and check if we can come up with a workaround for your economic and formula columns in the meantime.
Please feel free to reach out to me at or book a meeting with me here.